Well, not really, but I got commissioned by the OB Fire Dept to design a shirt for them. Of course I had to coax them into letting me ride in the Engine down to the pier so I could shoot some pics! Not really a childhood dream or anything but cool nonetheless....here's the line art I've done so far. Just needs a few more details and some psychedelic color to make it scream 'Ocean Beach'.

Click to zoom

Close up on the pump

Got my ears on

I never knew this but these helmets are made of leather and cost around $400. The cool thing is after leaving a burning building the leather gets hot enough to 'shape' like a fedora or cowboy hat. Gettin' KUSTOM while fightin' fires!
Note the baddass eagle head holding the badge on. So bitchin'!

I'll post the final art soooon!
Over n' out.


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