"How I Avoid Getting SICK"

OK, I didn't wanna jinx myself but this is, "How Tim Lowman avoids getting sick"

When I say sick, I don't mean mix the grape & the grain and puke all over your girlfriends Toyota; I mean flu, cold, fever, bird, swine, equestrian.
It's all quite simple (with a little will power):

1. Quit the coffee
2. Supplement w/ 2 bags Green Tea, hot, in morn, keep filling up the same mug all day w/ fresh cool water (same bags). 1 fresh bag around 5pm. And I mean quit coffee forever. (2 years for me)
3. Whenever you feel imbalanced take Source Naturals 'Wellness Formula' in pill form. (Get it at Henry's)
4. Wash hands, open public doors anywhere but the handle, etc.
5. Party hard, drink hard, play hard but sweat it out when you feel toxic. (Run, sex, jumprope- you know, the free stuff)
6. DON'T get a creepy flu shot that just strengthens the virus every year.

Might not work for everybody but it's been magic for me. I'll probably get sick tomorrow for sharing this but we're friends right?? Get better.


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