It's Halloween!!! The crafting of the 'Organ Grinder'.

I generally get really inspired at the very last minute when Halloween comes 'round. This year I wasn't gonna spend a bunch of time or cash but things just sorta fell into place. Luckily, I happen to be pretty crafty with a jigsaw and pinstriping brush and my thrift-store digging skills are superhuman. My lady found an outfit and asked what it could work for in a couples situation. First thing that came to mind was she could be a monkey on a leash and I could be the Organ Grinder. We thought it would be fun and creative so we got all the stuff necessary- only thing I was lacking was an organ- aka 'Hurdy Gurdy' aka 'Crank Organ'. I certainly couldn't afford a REAL one, nor did I want to be at parties/clubs with a fragile vintage instrument. What to do then?? BUILD ONE!!

First thing was to find an old box I could kustomize. It needed to be lightweight but tough enough to withstand some jigsaw lacerations and I had to mount a crank to the side as well.
2 thrift stores, 20 minutes & 20 dollars later I found a super old meat grinder and a sweet old box with a hinged lid and latches!
One of my favorite shapes in the world is the 'f-hole' which is found on hollow-body guitars, violins, cellos, etc. They aren't really found on Hurdy Gurdy's but this is MY Hurdy Gurdy!! I didn't get any pics of the box before I drew and cut the f-holes into it but here is a pic after the cuts and a coat of rattle-can flat black. I over-exaggerated the size & shape to make 'em pop more....

Next step was to pinstripe and accent the edges....

We found out the party we were attending was a 'Zombie' themed party so I decided to throw a kreepy twist on the 'Organ-Grinder' theme...make it actually grind up HUMAN ORGANS!!
Here is some quick one-shot text & spider webs...(I also sanded the pinstriping to give it the aged effect...
A little kool krimson to set off the letters...
I tore up a ladies red blouse I found for 2 clams and mounted it to the inside of the f-holes....add some creepy fingers here & there....
Some 'Dexter' style blood splats to really kreep it out!....
Now it was time to add the crank and some human organs!!....
And voila!! The 'Organ Grinder' is complete! We put a flashing red light inside and the f-holes just hypnotize people!!! I can throw a boom-box in it for music and stash adult beverages in it as well!! I just need a neck strap and we're golden! I'll post more pics before, during and after the Zombie Party. Be safe n' have a good one!


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